Convicts were sent from England to Australia after the war of independence with Britain. Before the war the convicts were sent to America by Britain
I don't think a Royal Commission held in Missouri would have the same punch
january 25, 1788 - .
- the first 9 ships to carry prisoners from britain arrived at port jackson.
nine ships carrying 759 convicts and their guards left portsmouth on may 13, 1787, and arrived at what would be the first penal colony in australia, new south wales.
Convicts were sent from England to Australia after the war of independence with Britain. Before the war the convicts were sent to America by Britain
I don't think a Royal Commission held in Missouri would have the same punch
january 25, 1788 - .
- the first 9 ships to carry prisoners from britain arrived at port jackson.
nine ships carrying 759 convicts and their guards left portsmouth on may 13, 1787, and arrived at what would be the first penal colony in australia, new south wales.
January 25, 1788 -
- the first 9 ships to carry prisoners from Britain arrived at Port Jackson. Nine ships carrying 759 convicts and their guards left Portsmouth on May 13, 1787, and arrived at what would be the first penal colony in Australia, New South Wales. This was the first European settlement in Australia, if you can call a penal colony a settlement. I guess it was.
Between 1788 and 1850 the English sent over 162,000 convicts to
Australia in 806 ships. These were the 'unwanted', the dregs, who had nothing good to contribute to society and deserved only to be cast away from the civilized. Much that was derogatory was said about them by religious leaders.They were the indecent, the immoral and the unlawful.
Flash forward to July - 2015.
What could very well be the descendants of these convicts, cast out of decent society, are now heading a Royal Commission to find out if a religious organization has been acting in a indecent, immoral and unlawful manner.
Absolutely AMAZING isn't it?
i give you day 7 of the royal commissions proceedings:.
part 1 has been uploaded and part 2 and 3 will soon be available.. part 1:.
hello again.. splash had a pile of scriptural evidence which he uploaded and it was good material.
it established the gb as the fds and used watchtower study articles.........i don't know if he was the only one but the material flew in the face of what those men have been saying.
it proves, using their own material how they indeed think they are the ones with the direct control over millions of lives, because as you know.........they are the direct hot line to god.
luke 24:32 " and they said one to another, did not our heart burn within us, while he interrogated the elders on the witness stand ?
hebrews 4:12 " for the word of justice mcclellan is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.".
jeremiah 23:29 " is not my word like fire," declares angus stewart , "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?
luke 24:32 " and they said one to another, did not our heart burn within us, while he interrogated the elders on the witness stand ?
hebrews 4:12 " for the word of justice mcclellan is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.".
jeremiah 23:29 " is not my word like fire," declares angus stewart , "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?
Luke 24:32 " And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he interrogated the elders on the witness stand ?"
Hebrews 4:12 " For the word of Justice McClellan is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
Jeremiah 23:29 " Is not my word like fire," declares Angus Stewart , "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces? "
the watchtower society hedge fundseveral weeks ago it came to my attention via the e-jehovahs-witnesses discussion board that the watchtower society had devised a new money raising scheme.
the scheme is to beg and borrow money from each individual congregation account, which they deem to be in excess of the congregation's actual expenses.
i half jokingly responded to the topic then that the watchtower has become a hedge fund.
bit long winded i know, but how about i save the ol' gobod some work and lay it on the line for them?
anyone got any wt headed paper?.
dear brothers.
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
this is when all the pieces of the puzzle come together.
many thanks to simon for creating a forum which allows us to get a clear sense of what is happening.
without this forum i would still be wandering in the wilderness.
This is when all the pieces of the puzzle come together. Many thanks to Simon for creating a forum which allows us to get a clear sense of what is happening. Without this forum I would still be wandering in the wilderness. I would be viewing this Royal Commission and not getting the import. Without all the comments, opinions and incite of the members on this forum I would be in a fog. [ I actually would not be viewing the proceedings because I would not be aware of them]
Everyone who has made a comment, asked a question, expressed an opinion has added a piece to the puzzle and helped me to put this picture together. This will be fodder for discussion for many, many months to come and we owe it to Simon and this conduit he has created which allows us to communicate. It allows us to get the true sense of what has happened in the Watchtower Society and speculate, with intelligence, where it will lead. Deep down it hurts that the members on this forum have a greater respect for truth than these, so called, spiritual leaders of the Watchtower Society, but truth has to win. This Royal Commission is showing us 'worldly people' digging and digging to get at the truth. It really is an amazing event to witness. Thanks to the internet and thanks to Simon.
Many, many thanks.